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One of the Consumer Services Netcheck provides is to help people and companies that have transacted business on the Internet and run into a problem. They can file a complaint with Netcheck if they have been unable to resolve the problem on their own.

Netcheck verifies and forwards the verified complaints asking only that the company or individual responds within 20 days. If a negative pattern develops we create a warning page. Unfortunatly some Websites and Individuals are less than ethical.

You should use this specialized search engine:

As an Individual checking on a company before conducting business with them.

As a Company checking on an Individual or another Company before doing business with them.

As a Individual checking on another individual who is selling a product or service on the Internet in the classifieds,auctions,etc.

If the Company, Website, or Person entered has a record of Numerous Unresolved or Unanswered Complaints on file with Netcheck, your search will produce a link to a warning page stating that in our opinion this Company, Website, or Person does not comply with the ethical standards of The Netcheck Commerce Bureau.

If your search comes up with (Nothing Found), this means we do not have a record of unresolved complaints pertaining to your search.

You can also search by any keyword to find a product or service that is available from any of the Members of Netcheck. This search will provide a link to the Netcheck Profile Pages of our members that offer what you need.

All physical information listed on the Profile Pages of our member companies has been verified by Netcheck. You can also search for our members by Company Name or Geographically by entering any Country or State.

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