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frequently asked questions



What is The Netcheck Commerce Bureau?


Netcheck is a public agency dedicated to the goals of assisting consumers and corporate firms on the Internet with the ability to resolve disputes between Consumer to Company, Company to Company, and Company to Consumer.


When was Netcheck established?


The Netcheck Commerce Bureau was established in March of 1995 and was the first entity on the Internet to provide free consumer services to resolve disputes.


Who Supports Netcheck?


Netcheck is supported and made possible by it’s Member companies. These companies, through their Annual Membership, make it possible for our staff to provide and facilitate the Free Consumer Services available here at Netcheck. Netcheck Member companies have chosen to align themselves with other companies in promoting a safe and ethical Internet.


What type of Free Consumer Services are available to me at Netcheck?


Netcheck was developed as a fast, user friendly site whereby any consumer or company can:

1). Search an Internet company's Consumer File History experience with Netcheck.
2). File a Compliment
3). File a Complaint
4). File a Copyright Dispute
5). File an email Spamming problem


How will my company benefit as a Member of Netcheck, why should we join?


The bottom line is exposure. Membership in Netcheck works for you in 2 different ways. Your website is going to generate "X" amount of visitors over the next 12 months with a percentage of them deciding to do business with you.Showing your customers you are aligned with a fair and honest set of business principals endorsed through a third party will increase the amount of people that will decide to do business with you from your existing traffic. Also when you join Netcheck you are basically interlinking your website with every member of Netcheck. All of the member companies help to produce a portion of Netcheck's traffic. This creates a shared traffic increase for all the members and gives you visitors you would not have generated on your own.

This shows your potential customers, whether your market is to consumers or businesses, that you are helping to provide the Free Consumer Services here at Netcheck. It gives them an idea about the philosophy behind your company. For a complete list of membership benefits and programs please click here.


How do I know which companies on the Internet are
Members of Netcheck?


We have proudly listed our Member companies Alphabetically, by Category and by Geographical location. You can also, easily check our Member database by the use of our search engine. You can conduct a search for all of our Members by company name or keyword searches for products / services. Our Members also proudly display the ‘Member of Netcheck’ Seal on their own site.

If you see the Netcheck Membership Seal on a site, be sure that the Seal links back to Netcheck's site. Please report any Membership Seals that you may find that do not link back to Netcheck, or where you cannot find that Member listed in the areas mentioned above.


Please explain Netcheck's Free Consumer Service procedures.


When you file a Compliment, Netcheck will forward your comments in their entirety to the company. Those companies on the Internet that are conducting sound ethical business practices, deserve a pat on the back. Netcheck is here to give them that ‘pat’.

When you file a Complaint, Copyright Dispute or Email Spamming Problem, our staff gets right on the problem. Netcheck will forward your complaint via email in it's entirety to the company/individual seller in question. Upon receipt of your complaint to the company, they are requested to respond directly to you within 7 days to work toward an amicable resolution. At the end of 7 days, you will receive an email from Netcheck requesting an update from you. Please respond back to our update request in a timely manner. If the company has resolved your complaint, we will send notification to both you and the company that we have marked the complaint file RESOLVED. If the company has not resolved, Netcheck will send them a request to respond within 24 HOURS. At the end of this time period, you will receive another request for update from us. If the company has failed to respond, or work toward a resolution with you, they may be displayed on the Netcheck site showing they have an unresolved consumer complaint on file with us. It is our goal to work with all parties until an amicable resolution can be obtained in a dispute.

In cases where a resolution is not possible due to deliberate fraudulent practices by a company, all qualifying cases are turned over to the Computer Fraud division of the FBI. We assist them in ensuring the safety of the consumer on cases considered federal fraud.

Through our experiences, we find that most companies want to know when there is a problem with their customers. We have also found that companies genuinely want to work with the customer towards a resolution. Netcheck as a third party, opens the avenues for communication between both parties, so resolutions can be obtained


I searched for a company by name in Netchecks' search engine and it came back with no results. What does this mean?


The directory of our search engine contains all of our Member Company Profiles and profiles on companies that have unresolved complaint on file with us. "Nothing Found" simply means that the company you searched for is not a Member of Netcheck and has no unresolved consumer complaints on file with us. This is one of the Free Consumer Services brought to you by our Netcheck Members. You can also enter any product or service you are looking for and any Member companies who provide them, will be listed.