Company Information
Company Name: Schuh-Atelier Fusaro
Contact Person: Ingeborg Fusaro
Address: Corneliusstrasse 18
City, State, Zip: Munich - Muenchen Germany 80469
Phone: 0049892014500
Fax: 0049892014500
Email: IFUSARO@aol.com
Net Address: http://members.aol.com/IFUSARO/ARCHE.HTML
Year Established: 1979
Member of Netcheck since: 01/98
Description: Revolutionary New Heel Technology for Dress Shoes
ARCHE SHOES from France having 100% Latex Sole and Shockabsorbing Heel
VALLEVERDE Chic & Comfortable from Italy
Berkemann From Germany Shoes including Reflex and Comfort Insole
Natevo Shoes without Chemicals
Retail of Footware Shoes Schuhe Chaussures for Comfort and Health
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Schuh-Atelier Fusaro
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