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Company Information
Company Name: InsWeb Corporation
Contact Person: Mark Barach
Address: 901 Marshall Street
City, State, Zip: Redwood City, CA 94063
Phone: (650) 298-9100
Fax: (650) 298-9101
Email: webmaster@insweb.com
Net Address: http://www.insweb.com
Year Established: 3/1/95
Member of Netcheck since:6/97
Helps consumers simplify their insurance decisions by offering free online access to helpful information, research and quotes on auto, life and most other types of insurance.
File HistoryOur file history shows that no consumer complaints
have been reported to Netcheck on this company.
The company you have requested information on is a
Member of The Netcheck Commerce Bureau.
The Netcheck Commerce Bureau does not endorse any product or service.
InsWeb Corp.
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