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Company Information
Company Name: Exploit Information Technology Limited
Contact Person: Andrew Henshaw
Address: 10 York Road, Heaton Moor
City, State, Zip: Stockport Cheshire, England SK4 4PQ
Phone: +44 161 443 2464
Fax: +44 161 431 6140
Email: customer.support@exploit.net
Net Address: http://www.exploit.net/
Year Established: 1991
Member of Netcheck since: 08/98
Description: Primarily a software development company specialising in applications for use on the Internet, Exploit also offer web hosting, site design and corporate training services in the UK.
In addition to our very large 'small user' client base with clients in virtually every country in the world, Exploit have a in excess of 800 corporate clients, including Microsoft, Shell, NEC and Sony. We believe this underlines our policy of creating tools anyone can use regardless of location or size, whilst maintaining a value for money pricing structure.
File HistoryOur file history shows that no consumer complaints have been reported to Netcheck on this company.
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Exploit Information Technology Limited
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Submission Wizard, Software, Exploit Information Technology, Web Site Hosting, Site Design, Shareware, UK, England