Company Information
Company Name: SkyBiz International Ltd. - Courtney Child - Independent Associated
Contact Person: Courtney Child
Address: 126 W 400 N
City, State, Zip: Springville UT 84663
Phone: 801-489-6453
Email: courtneychild@yahoo.com
Net Address: http://www.skynary.com/CCHILD1
Year Established: 2000
Member of Netcheck since: 10/2000
SkyBiz was developed to provide an cheap and affordable ad free web site to enable small businesses to expand their markets globally and to enable families to keep in touch. We are seeing more and more families and individuals wanting to communicate and be actively involved on the Internet. This vehicle enables people to develop their own web site from the comfort of their own home and provides the training and customer support that they need to maximize their Internet experience. SkyBiz has also developed an education program to help educate individuals to use the computer and help them prepare for the computer age. This complete package is selling for just US$100/year, no hidden charges, no more to pay.
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SkyBiz International Ltd. - Courtney Child - Independent Associated
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