Connection Protection (CP) is a multi-store, on-line shopping mall featuring a safe, private, and secure shopping environment. Our virtual, internet shopping mall provides members with access to a world-wide network of merchants whose products have been imported into CP's secure web site. Members can shop at any number of stores, use only one secure shopping cart, and pay at only one location.
As a CP internet member, you can enjoy a private on-line shopping experience. Retailers have no reason to contact you directly because our private shopping mall automatically handles the addressing and shipping process. This enables CP to keep your identity private and prevent your name from appearing on unauthorized mailing lists.
We've eliminated the fear and anxiety about security that used to go along with the traditional members online shopping experience. Connection Protection has implemented separate security features for each component of our web site, giving you the peace of mind of knowing your personal and credit card information will remain secure.
Connection Protection is a powerful, user-friendly sales and marketing tool for on-line retailers. You can show your merchandise to millions of consumers through CP's shopping mall online - and it's so easy to use. Simply display your product lines to shoppers in the style and format you chose. You upload your products, photos, descriptions and price lists. And you can add as many products as you like to your site at no additional cost.
Joining CP will not impact your existing web page. But it will supplement your present marketing techniques by becoming a potent retail tool, helping you sell your products and services to on-line consumers, world-wide.