netcheck search results
Searching for: ' cat69 ' - Found 43 matches (Displaying 20 Results on Each Page) |
1. Beverly & Marcel Demas SunSpring Properties LLC |
We are Real Estate investors and promoters. We own a substantial amount of land and other real property in the beautiful USA Ozark foothills, including Cherokee Village, Hidden Valley, Woodland Hills, Hardy, and Highland, in Sharp and Fulton Counties, northern Arkansas (20 miles from Missouri.) |
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99% Relevance |
2. SellMyTimeshareNOW, LLC |
World's leading Timeshare resale and rental for sale by owner advertising company. offers clients the ability to advertise timeshare resale and rental properties without having to pay real estate commissions, brokers fees, appraisal fees, or any other hidden costs. A quick and safe way to buy, sell, or rent timeshare and vacation property. |
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99% Relevance |
3. SellMyTimeshareNOW, LLC |
World's leading Timeshare resale and rental for sale by owner advertising company. offers clients the ability to advertise timeshare resale and rental properties without having to pay real estate commissions, brokers fees, appraisal fees, or any other hidden costs. A quick and safe way to buy, sell, or rent timeshare and vacation property. |
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99% Relevance |
4. Timeshare Bulletin |
Timeshare Resales & Rentals company that has a do-it-yourself approach to selling timeshare. We do not charge any commissions nor do we ask for appraisal fees. You hndle you rown timeshare sale or rental without a middle man. |
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99% Relevance |
5. Timeshare Bulletin |
Timeshare Resales & Rentals company that has a do-it-yourself approach to selling timeshare. We do not charge any commissions nor do we ask for appraisal fees. You hndle you rown timeshare sale or rental without a middle man. |
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99% Relevance |
6. Vacation Resellers, Inc. |
The world largest and most sucessful Timeshare Resale and Rental company! Here at Vacation Resellers Selling, Buying Or Renting A Timeshare Has Never Been Easier! There are never any Hidden Fees, Appraisals, Closing Cost or Commissions! |
URL: |
99% Relevance |
7. Vacation Resellers, Inc. |
The world largest and most sucessful Timeshare Resale and Rental company! Here at Vacation Resellers Selling, Buying Or Renting A Timeshare Has Never Been Easier! There are never any Hidden Fees, Appraisals, Closing Cost or Commissions! |
URL: |
99% Relevance |
8. Vacation Resellers, Inc. |
The world largest and most sucessful Timeshare Resale and Rental company! Here at Vacation Resellers Selling, Buying Or Renting A Timeshare Has Never Been Easier! There are never any Hidden Fees, Appraisals, Closing Cost or Commissions! |
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99% Relevance |
9. World Wide Timeshare Sales Inc. |
Welcome to World Wide Timeshare Sales. This is ~For Sale By Owner~ so there is no commission!We specialize in bringing buyers / sellers and renters together.By us exposing your property to millions of potential buyers world wide using Internet advertising with optional voice activation, answering questions and explaining to the potential buyers what they need to know about the timeshare concept and more. |
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99% Relevance |
10. World Wide Timeshare Sales Inc. |
Welcome to World Wide Timeshare Sales. This is ~For Sale By Owner~ so there is no commission!We specialize in bringing buyers / sellers and renters together.By us exposing your property to millions of potential buyers world wide using Internet advertising with optional voice activation, answering questions and explaining to the potential buyers what they need to know about the timeshare concept and more. |
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99% Relevance |
11. Armata |
Armata is based in Cyprus. Its Internet activities include: Internet advertising on our productions such as Window on Cyprus Cyprus Hotels ,Cyprus Villas, Cyprus Car Hire, Cyprus Property, and other Cyprus specific Showcases. Property management Sales and Rentals Web site design Promotion and Hosting Yacht and Ships brokerage Charter services and advertising via and Last but not least we are the agent/distributors for Healthpoint in Cyprus. |
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66% Relevance |
12. Armata |
Armata is based in Cyprus. Its Internet activities include: Internet advertising on our productions such as Window on Cyprus Cyprus Hotels ,Cyprus Villas, Cyprus Car Hire, Cyprus Property, and other Cyprus specific Showcases. Property management Sales and Rentals Web site design Promotion and Hosting Yacht and Ships brokerage Charter services and advertising via and Last but not least we are the agent/distributors for Healthpoint in Cyprus. |
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66% Relevance |
13. Global Home Exchange |
Global is Canada's premier home exchange service offering listings for home exchanges, hospitality exchanges and vacation rentals from over 40 countries. Its free to browse and contact listers and we offer an affordable listing fee. |
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66% Relevance |
14. Global Home Exchange |
Global is Canada's premier home exchange service offering listings for home exchanges, hospitality exchanges and vacation rentals from over 40 countries. Its free to browse and contact listers and we offer an affordable listing fee. |
URL: |
66% Relevance |
15. Homesavers USA |
Homesavers USA specializes in helping You if you are Behind on Mortgage payments to help Avoid Bankruptcy and Stop Foreclosure Fast |
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66% Relevance |