Publishers of the following manuals:
"How to Start on a Shoestring and Make a Profit with Hydroponics"
"Beneficial Insects - How to Mass-Rear and Make a Profit"
"Big Dollars Growing Gourmet Salad Greens"
Also we publish gold/gem maps for 28 states, the URL for which is
Our web sites are very comprehensive and offer a lot of helpful and free information. If the customer prefers, he can go to our online bookstore and reach ordering information and the order form. This is the only route to ordering. The customer really has to want to order to find the order form - or call us.
We have a lifetime guarantee on all products (less S&H)
Not only do we sell to the customer, but we also offer as much additional help as we can give. There is no charge for this service and no time limit. This is somewhat unique in the business world - we know of no one else in our profession who does this.
Our manuals are professionally written and printed. We do our utmost to give the customer more than his money's worth and then some.
We also have a short 64-page manual on recycling and wildcrafting. It is not advertised on the Internet.